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How to measure linear distanceUpdated a year ago

In this chapter we’re going to show you how to measure the distance between two points.

Use cases:

- Piple/cable runs

- Single wall

- Fences

There are two ways to do this:

  • "Point to Point" Mode
  • "Cross Section" tool

“Point to Point” Mode


  1. Press the ‘Start a New Measurement’ button in the bottom centre of the screen;

  2. Select ‘Point to Point’ Mode;

  1. Start your measurement by placing the device on the first point, then quickly walk to the second point.

Result: your measurement will show the linear distance between the start and finish point and the gradient.

Reminder: If it’s going to take you more than 6-8 seconds to reach the second point you can stop and capture more “Pause Points” along the way. These will be automatically ignored once you finish your measurement.

“Cross Section” tool

Once your measurement is complete, you can calculate the distance (also rise and run) between any two points using the “Cross Section” tool.

This feature can be used with both “Open Shape” and “Closed Shape” modes.


  1. Once your measurement is complete, tap on a point of your drawing;

  2. Tap on “View” in the bottom left corner of your screen;

  3. Tap on “Cross Section” in the bottom right corner of your screen;

  4. The point you’ve selected will be highlighted in red. You just need to tap on any other point and the length between those two points, the rise and run will be displayed on the screen.

Feel free to watch this video to learn more.

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