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Ignore points (measure around obstacles)Updated a month ago

The ‘Ignore Point’ tool is a powerful one when it comes to measuring around obstacles and/or calculating the total length of the perimeter.

This feature allows you to "ignore" a point after a measurement is complete. Once a point is ignored, a line will be drawn between the points before and after the ignored point(s).

Two scenarios where you may want to use this powerful tool:

  1. Measuring around obstacles
  2. Calculating the total length of the perimeter

Sometimes you may find obstacles (solar panels, trees, fountains, etc) along the way when measuring. With the ‘Ignore Point’ tool, you’ll be able to generate a complete measurement as if the obstacle was never there.

See an example below:

Let’s say we want to measure a garden but there is a solar panel along the way that we can’t get around within 6 to 8 seconds.

What can we do?

- While measuring…

  1. Pause alongside the solar panel, no matter particularly where as long as the movement from one point to another doesn’t take you longer than 6-8 seconds.

- Once the measurement is complete…

  1. Tap on the point(s) you want to ignore;

  2. Tap on Edit and select the ‘Ignore Point’ tool.

Result: this will ignore the selected point and the points before and after it will be joined together so that it shows the correct perimeter and area of your measurement.



  • If you do make a mistake, you can always restore the point by tapping on “Unignore”.

Calculating the total length of the perimeter

The ‘Ignore Point’ tool is also very useful when it comes to calculating the total length of the perimeter.

You have two options:

A) Ignore points manually (after a measurement is complete)


  1. Tap on the point you want to ignore;

  2. Tap on Edit and select the ‘Ignore Point’ tool.

Result: This will ignore the selected point and the points before and after it will be joined together so that it shows the total length of the perimeter.

Feel free to watch this video to learn more. 


B) Ignore points automatically (the Moasure app will ignore the points along the same plane for you, to save you time ignoring points manually for larger measurements)


  1. Tap on Settings;

  2. Tap on Measuring Options;

  3. Turn on the ‘Auto Ignore Points’ tool.

Result: this tool will Auto Ignore all points in a straight line when you finish measuring.

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