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Change pathsUpdated a year ago

You can change paths while you measure or once your measurement is complete. If you still don’t know what a path type is and what they’re used for, we highly recommend you checking out this article before you continue reading.

Right, now that you know what a path type is and what they’re used for, let’s find out how to change them while measuring or after a measurement is complete.

- While measuring

  1. Wait until the device is completely stationary, ready to capture a point;

  2. Once the LED turns green (meaning you can now keep moving), tap on Paths;

  3. Choose the Path type you would like to use for your next point to be captured;

  4. You can start moving again.

Reminder: you can only change path types when you are at a ‘Pause Point’ and the device is completely stationary.

- After a measurement is complete

Although it’s advisable to change paths while measuring, you can still do this after a measurement is complete by using the Edit Path Tool. This will allow you to edit any path along the route.

  1. Tap on Edit;

  2. Tap on Edit Paths (this will automatically select all the Paths);

Alternatively, you can Split Paths by clicking on each coordinate. This will separate the Paths.

  1. Select the Path you would like to change;

  2. Tap on Change Path Type;

  3. Choose the Path type you would like to change to. E.g. from ‘Straight Line’ to ‘Trace Line’.

Check out this video to learn more.

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